Learn how to photo-collage ideas into a compelling storyboard.  

Week 01 introduces the basic principles of photo-collaging by teaching students how to translate their ideas onto paper. Using three given factors (setting, structure, environment), students will be asked to paint their imaginations using images from magazines. Students will be challenged to think critically how to represent their ideas as they find discrepancies between real-world images that clash with their imaginative worlds. The first week marks the beginning of an eight-week long critical-thinking, creative environment where students will constantly be presented with a challenge, respond and resolve in order to better build a vision of their future world.​



Come to studio prepared to build! 

Week 02 is an introduction to the drawing language of an architect. Prepare to let your hands loose as you learn different drawing styles and techniques. Using found objects, students will learn the fundamentals of translating a physical object to architectural drawings (i.e. sketch, plan, section, elevation, perspectives). Class will include instructor demonstration and one-on-one instruction.




Discover the secrets of LA through your camera lens! 

Week 03 covers the basic fundamentals of composition and photography. Recurring issues in LA will be presented at the beginning of class; students will learn basic brainstorming and collaboration skills. Bringing your own camera (i.e. iPhone, point and shoot, etc.) is highly recommended for this class. Documentation of site visit prior to Week 04 is required.




Learn how to transform ideas into physical models using recycled materials.

Week 04 introduces a new dialogue in architecture - space. Students will share site visit photos at the beginning of class to learn how to formulate their thoughts and ideas verbally. Class will be an on-going open discussion and charretting of these captured spaces.​



Explore the possibilities of what the future could become through short clips of film.

Week 05 is about diagramming - how to formulate ideas into workable concepts that could drive the design of a project. Working with a set of guidelines, students will be challenged to brainstorm collaboratively to derive a solution for an issue in and around the city. The teamwork aspect will be an essential building tool for communication and for the team to arrive at a completed project presentation.



Create fun engaging drawings and models that communicate your design intent.Week 06 is the time to explore visual and physical variations. All students are required to incorporate laser-cut materials to their final model. Choose from an array of media, everything from graphite pencil to watercolor, so come to class ready to unleash that imagination!




Learn to write and speak like an architect!

Week 07 is about acquiring the skill and courage to communicate your design process clearly and coherently. Students will learn how to construct a presentation board, and how to speak to convey their ideas publicly to an audience. A practice method will be developed prior to the end of studio; practicing at home is highly encouraged prior to presentation next week.




Presentation begins at 1pm!

Week 08 marks the end of the semester, but the beginning of an architectural awareness. Students will showcase their design process and ideas for the past seven weeks and present to family, friends, public alike. A design review featuring designers and architects will comment and critic on student work, and to ultimately inspire students to bring home a continual thirst for design, sustainable, and architectural curiosity!


International Institute of Architecture (IIA) © 2022

International institute of Architecture

for kids   |   NON-PROFIT   |   LOS ANGELES